Thursday, May 06, 2010


Which when I perceived this, I was unwilling to be troublesome. I bid him farewell giving him many great thanks, and seeing him home to his residence. The old man was so reverend and so very wise, that the heavens obeyed him and all things trembled before him.
I was sleepy and returning to the fountain, I sat down to rest a little, when I could not abstain when sitting upon it from opening all the fastenings in a secret manner. In the meantime when I looked upon the book which was the reward of my disputation, and by its splendour and beauty increased my sleepiness and in a slumber it fell out of my sleepy hands into the fount, which happened very unluckily, for I wished to preserve the memorial of my having the honour of being an adept. And when I looked it had disappeared from my eyes, thinking therefore that it had fallen to the bottom, I began to draw out the water with such great care, however, that nothing more might remain in it than a tenth part of it, with scarcely ten parts, and when I attempted to draw out the whole, they obstinately adhered together.
In the meantime while I was labouring with the work, some people came upon me so that they hindered me from drawing out any more. Before I went away however, I shut all things again lest any body might perceive that I had exhausted or seen the fountain, or lest perhaps they might forcibly steal the Book from me. Then the heat began to be excited round about in the bath for the purpose of bathing the King. But I was taken to prison and detained 40 days for having perpetrated the crime.
After I was relieved, I returned to the fount that I might see it, obscure clouds appeared which lasted a long time. To conclude, I saw every thing at the end that my prize derived without much labour.
It will not torment you very much if you enter upon the right path and not leave it for erroneous ones, but imitate nature in every thing. In concluding I say unto you that whosoever upon reading of this book does not understand the Stone by himself, will never understand the work, however much he may operate. For in this very parable, the whole work is contained, in practice, days, colours, regimens, ways, dispositions and continuations, which I have narrated, moved by piety, charity, and compassion alone towards desolate operators in this most precious secret.
